Give us strength today we pray,
And light our path along the way.
Lend our hands Your healing touch,
For wild ones that need us much.
We ask for hope and courage too.
Help us know what's best to do.
You've led them here into our care,
Please help us ease the pain they bear.
When weariness invades our souls,
And sleepless nights all take their toll,
Bathe us with Your healing Light
And lift us gently with Your might.
Give us faith to set them free.
To earth and water, to sky and tree.
And if You call them back to stay
Ease their passage home we pray
----Susan Saliga
And light our path along the way.
Lend our hands Your healing touch,
For wild ones that need us much.
We ask for hope and courage too.
Help us know what's best to do.
You've led them here into our care,
Please help us ease the pain they bear.
When weariness invades our souls,
And sleepless nights all take their toll,
Bathe us with Your healing Light
And lift us gently with Your might.
Give us faith to set them free.
To earth and water, to sky and tree.
And if You call them back to stay
Ease their passage home we pray
----Susan Saliga