Hi guys. Wow did we get hit in with snow. 8-10 inches and its just the 1st snow. A good time to reorganize the squirrel cages, do some sewing, and hunker in for winter. My winter babies got all new fleece hammies and a nice cuddly home. Ginger spent the winter day (the snow really got her motivated) stealing pieces of fleece and getting settled in her new home custom built by Sigwalt builders - its an amazing house and Ginger thinks so too. The Winter Coonies are hunkered in and sound asleep. I visit each night with warm water (just in case they need a little drink of fresh water) and some dinner - and of course I always have a pocket of marshmallows!!! Enjoy the video and these 2 photos of Ginger. One she's showing off her house and the other is her watching the storm - very happy that she is inside. Don't forget to keep your feeders full, and what is really needed for wildlife is water - its hard to come by in the cold and always needed for birds and critters.
![]() Well my summer baby squirrels are free. Darrel, Darrel and the Unsinkable Molly Brown are running free at the Sigwalts in geneseo. Rexy has moved into the Grey Squirrel condo along with so many others from this summer. Its been a great season for the little cuties. I have 2 fall storm orphans still that are doing great. KatieByrd from a lovely lady in Walnut and Micheal an unusual grey/fox squrriel from some sweet folks in Ottawa are doing great and are a joy to watch grow. OMG I can't believed they survived such a tough start! They are sweet babies napping together in their hammy! They will be safe here for winter and will join my other wild squirrels next spring. I have to give a big shout out to my generous sponsors Megan, Judie and Dale - they are awesome - Our dream is to build a gardenshed / outside pen for the critters. Something with a heater just like my chicken coop. With such good folks out there I'm sure to be building soon. My lumber pile is growing. Stye tuned kiddos and we'll have an awesome critter condo in no time! Happy Thanksgiving! Hello there! Yep, my girls are free. Bubbles and Lucy are free. I've been visiting the release site every few days with food. No sign of them. But the food is being eaten and I found the boys. They are still hanging in the house we built for them. We're still busy here at 2nd Hand Rescue with 2 new baby fox squirrels. They are doing great - I must take some photos! We are ready to start buiding our winter quarters for wildlife with some great donations from Megan Barnett, Dale Schutt, and Judie Roos! Thanks so much. I'm buying the lumber next week and hope to get a little 6x8 building (gardenshed style) up for winter. I'll then have to build new pens attached to it - should be very nice - I know my chickens love their heated coop I built! This weekend was bitter sweet as my boys are free. They are a great group of orphans and docile as pups. Enjoy the videos. Hello rescue fans. Autumn is here. A time for great joy and great sadness as its time to say good bye soon to my wildlife. Our 3 fox squirrels in Geneseo (The Unsinkable Molly Brown and her brother Daryl and her other broter Daryl) are in their release cage and soon will be running free gathering nuts. Stumpy is free too, he's a 1/2 tailed fox squirrel. Bumpy a car striked grey squirrel now lives in his outside pen. I counted 11 baby greys living in my squirrel house just on the edge of my yard. I am so excited, so I built a feeder and attached it to the tree. KatieByrd the fox squirrel from a rescue in Walnut is doing great and so rowdy (eyes are open and she's ready to explore). Autumn babies rarely survive, but not this girl. She'll go free in the spring, lucky squirrel. The coonie troop is ready to go too. Here's a video from last week with their fishing lesson. Too funny. This Friday Buddy, Jake & George (my huge fat enormous boyw) will head into a local timber. The following week we'll say good by to Bubbles and Lucy. Elwood has a bad ear infection, so we'll have to see with that boy, and out little Gracie will be around as we get her paperwork in order. Her blindness is just slows her down - nothing more - she's a real sweetie.
Hello 2nd Hand Fans. Once again - where did the time go? August saw some great growth in the coonie troop - not long now for us to all sing "Born Free" I got in an injured fox squirrel in from Dr. Dave - he is doing great - I call him Stumpy as he only has half a tail! I want to give a thank you to my friends at the Gypsy Moth Conference that stopped by to see my little rescue - it was a joy to show them around after all these years. Gracie - the blind coonie was a great host too. This week we got in a new baby Fox Squirrel that fell from a tree. It was touch and go for the 1st few days, but I'm happy to report she is well and is now called Katie-Byrd after my neice who was here all last week being the super volunteer. Now here are my latest YouTube clips. Well hello! Its been a busy week at 2nd Hand Rescue. We've had a new Coonie orphan join us, his name is Buddy and boy is he a character. He was not impressed with moving into a troop of coonies but 1 thunderstorm changed his mind. In the morning he was the best of friends with his new family- that's a good thing cuz they will need to stick together this winter if any want to survive. Well the baby bunnies are all free - I see them all over the yard - its wonderful. The squirrels have moved into the woods - the trees are full of nuts, but I sure miss the little nutters! Rexy my runt of a grey squirrel returned after 2 weeks of freedom very thin and tired - guess she's just not ready - so she may overwinter - she is sooo tiny. We had many visitors this week too - My friend Patti from Chicagoland brought her 2 granddaughters, as well as my friend Mary and her 2 daughters and 5 grand children. Its always wonderful to share the beauty of Illinois Wildlife. Then I have to give a HUGE shout out of Thanks to Devin, Hannah and Catalina who had a lemonade stand that also sold shells and rocks and donated all their hard earned money to support their little Jake. Kudos kiddos - you are top knotch!! I'm going to buy 2 big bags of puppy chow and a bag of marshmallows - Jake will be one happy boy!! Ok so here's a quick video of Buddy & Jake. See ya next time - I'm happy to report that the spring orphan squirrels are free. Lucky Chippy Holly Golightly and Rexy were set free on the 18th and have been hanging around until last night - the call of the wild I guess. But Little Rexy a grey squirrel 1/2 the size of most greys is sticking around - she is the smallest squirrel I have ever seen so here she will stay until she's ready - too funny. The Kewanee 3 are still in Geneseo but soon I think they will be ready too! Ok, so I'm trying something new and fun! A webblog of 2nd Hand Ranch & Rescue. What do you think? Time to get caught up again! Bunnies are free - my Rototiller bunnies are free - happy happy joy joy but then 3 more showed up. Such sweet little creatures from Spring Valley - so here I am feeding the babies again. These guys will go free in just 2 more weeks- they grow so fast! |
December 2010
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